A Couple New Pages

The latin mines blog automatically sends out emails when a new blog post like this one is published.  I've also started a couple of pages on the website that I will be updating semi-regularly that won't get an email when they are updated, because you value your inbox and I'm not a spammer.  But I thought I'd point them out once.  They'll remain linked at the top of latinmines.com and there will be a changelog at the bottom when they get updated.

Required Reading is the timeless sage wisdom I run across on the internet related to natural resource investing.

Required Reading
This page is a list of links to other people’s writing (and audio and video) that I consider totally worth your time. A lot of these are linked in various articles I’ve written, but I am putting them in one place for convenience. Updated periodically. BasicsIndependent Speculator’s Drill Result Ch…

The Big Idea Board is a raw list of companies that I'm looking at under each of the strategies I have talked about on the blog.  It's meant as a jumping off point for investigation.  It's available free to anyone that subscribes to the blog via email.  I don't put much behind the free subscription wall but I do put a few things there to encourage people not to rely on twitter's agorithm to see my articles and as a way of saying thanks for putting up with my rambling.

The Idea Big Board
This page contains a list of companies under each investment strategy ranked in order by how much I like them.